Sunday, April 11, 2010

Planting a garden & Molly's 2nd Birthday

Jackson has been getting over his sinus infection, so we tried to lay low and keep it pretty low-key so he could get in his rest. He seems to have his energy back today and his nose wasn't running NEARLY as much as it has been this past week and 1/2 or so!! He is still on his antibiotics, so hopefully it will have run its course by the end of this week! It was his Cousin Molly's 2nd birthday on April 4th, so we went over to celebrate with her yesterday. They had a bounce house and lots of games. We had a lot of fun playing over at their house. That seemed to have drained him though, because he was quite moody and tired afterwards!!

Molly, about to blow out the candles on her caterpillar cake :)
Playing basketball

Molly with her cute new hair cut. I think she looks like "Matilda" - so cute :)
Playing pin-the-tail-on -the- donkey

Sunday April 11th

Mommy and Jack planted a mini garden in some pots today!! I want to get a ground garden going in the backyard, but we have to get a fence up to keep the dogs out. This will have to do until then, and hopefully we can keep them alive! Jackson is very excited to water his tomatoes and peppers everyday, and he sure had a ton of fun helping mommy dig in the soil!

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