Sunday, April 11, 2010

March Spring Break

March 27-April 4th
We started off our spring break by Jackson having his first sleepover with his Cousin Molly spending the night. He was so cute with her and showed her all of our bedtime routines, and was even going to give up his bed for her to use! :)

*Next, we had a playdate at Busy Bodies with some of mommies friends and Jackson's friends- Ava, Ryan and Jack. His favorite thing was the trampoline!

*Thursday we had an early Easter party at Lily and Ryan's house. We had fun making bunny baskets, Easter egg hunt, and making bunny cupcakes! We were definitely busy this week, and then Jackson came down with a little cold...which turned into a sinus infection. He hasn't been feeling the best for a little while now! He seems to finally be getting his energy back though!! Chase took him to his appointment and the Dr. asked if he had already been taking any meds., and Jack told the Dr. "I've been taking the orange and purple medicine", meaning tylenol and motrin. :) And when the Dr. came in, he greeted him by saying "Hi, I'm Jackson", which he does everywhere we go now. His vocabulary is getting so big!! We had a busy and fun week getting to spend lots of time together! I wish I didn't have to go back to work!!

We did some Easter art projects and colored some eggs. He loves to color, especially with markers!

Here is Jackson finding eggs for his basket we made :)

All the kiddos at the playdate

Mommy and Jack after making his cupcake

He loved the trampoline!

(This is a picture of him reading the directions on how to put the b-ball hoop together.)

Jackson, Ryan and Jack

Jackson and Ava rowing the boat together

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