Sunday, April 11, 2010

Potty Time

As for this whole potty training thing, we haven't really been pushing it. Everything I've heard is that boys are always ready later than girls, closer to 2 1/2 and 3 yrs. Well, he has been showing us ready signs for a while now and he is just over 2 1/2, so I think (hope) he is about ready? We've had the little potty in our bathroom and he "tries" to go on it here and there, we will ask him if he needs to go and wants to try, and then we make a big deal about it when he seems interested. Daddy took him to the store a while back to let him pick out some big-boy underwear, he chose a mixed Disney pack with Cars, Nemo, Toy Story, etc. As of this last Friday he watched a potty time DVD at Grandma's. So over this weekend, he has been wanting to go, and is actually going non-stop when we've been home! Could be because we give him a "treat" afterwards and do a "pee-pee" dance?? I notice when he is running around in his big boy underwear he realizes "the feeling" of when he has to go and he will run and tell me "mommy, I have to go pee-pee!" If he is wearing his pull-up, I think he forgets because he has been used to wearing one now for so long. That's just my theory anyway. Before yesterday, he had only gone pee-pee in the potty. I was upstairs getting ready and he was downstairs with daddy. All of a sudden he had come up to me saying over and over "Mommy come downstairs, I poo-poo in the potty!" I acknowledged him, but really didn't believe it. He just kept on repeating it, so I finally went down with him to see, and low and behold- there was a poo-poo!! We called Daddy over and we all did the potty dance together- he was a proud little boy!! :)

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